Get in Contact with Us!
Fill out this form with your contact information and one of our staff will get in touch with you to answer any questions you may have and help you setup an appointment.
Hours of Operation
Monday – Thursday
1PM – 3:15PM
4:30PM – 8PM
“Due to Dr Gair’s extensive international lecture schedule hours and days will vary weekly. Be sure to book an appointment or check availability here:

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Appointments Recommended
Appointments are highly recommended as we are usually fully booked each day and often cannot accommodate walk-ins. We are conveniently located at the West Covina Pkwy/Pacific offramp of the westbound 10 freeway. You can see us from the 10 freeway, as we are located immediately north of it at the corner of Pacific and N Garvey. We are in the 2 story olive colored building. For your convenience, we have elevator access or you can use the stairs.