Brianna – Knee Injury

I had Brianna come in 2 times per week for several weeks BEFORE she went in for surgery. The goal was to get the tissue as healthy as possible, stimulate stem cells, increase glutathione, nitric oxide, ATP, etc, to enhance her repair. This is supported by several studies, and I have done it many times over the years. I also used the PERCUSSOR to break down adhesions around the injured knee. This way we did not have to deal with those AFTER the surgery as well.
Brianna came into my office in the Summer following her Jr wrestling season with devastating news…
Her knee injury required surgery, and the surgeon said she would miss 9 to 12 months, basically her WHOLE SENIOR YEAR. She and her mom fought back tears during the consult, and asked if there was any possibility that with my “voodoo lasers” we could get her back sooner. I told her that I had done it before with a kid that I helped win a National Championship. He was supposed to be out 6 months, and we got him to the point that the surgeon cleared him within just 8 weeks. The catch was that I told them they had to do EVERYTHING I said, including diet and supplements.
I had Brianna come in 3 times per week immediately following surgery, as soon as she was allowed to ambulate outside the house
Twice per week I had her use the EB Pro Ionic Therapy. The goal with this is to aid the body in decreasing the inflammation following surgery.I also used the PERCUSSOR lightly on the lateral aspect of the opposite hip area. This agitation further helps the lymphatic system to flush out the inflammation.The laser also helps the surgical incision to heal faster.
Once Brianna was able to move the knee more, which was approximately 2 weeks later, we did laser Re-Calibration to the legs to get the muscles to fire better.The PRECUSSOR was also used around the muscles of the knee, such as in the quads, calves, popliteus, to break down post surgical scar tissue and enhance range of motion.Patient was also placed on a gluten and dairy free diet, no processed sugars or carbs, lots of veggies and good fats, and supplements like high doses of EPA, resveratrol, turmeric, magnesium.She followed it to the letter. This is another reason I love working with serious athletes!
Her surgeon and PT's were certain she would not pass the physical assessment test in Dec for her to be cleared. This included running and jumping and intense activity, just 4 months after surgery. He said she would not be able to pass until 9 months at the earliest. On the down-low, she had startled grappling and sparring by November, without my knowledge or the surgeon’s, and was doing well! She fully passed her exam, shocking her surgeon who had never seen such a fast recovery (and of course he never asked what she was doing). By February, Brianna won CIF in her weight class and qualified for the State Championship! Laser not only stayed her execution, it helped her punch a ticket to college sports!