Jane – Chronic Leg Pain

Heart Case Study
This is Jane. She had been suffering for over 8 years with chronic swelling and pain in her lower right leg, itchy rashes on her arms and legs, “idiopathic” heart failure, and extreme fatigue. She could not walk up our stairs and had to take the elevator. She said she had trouble walking and doing any activity and basically felt the established medical community had given up on her and told her she to basically get ready to die. Her annual bills just for medications was over $200,000 (not a typo). Despite this, she had no improvements. Every night the swelling would be so bad that she couldn’t wear a shoe, and you could see the swelling through her pants.Her pulse oxygenation was down near 80 on average, and she needed to be on oxygen. She was only in her 50s. She literally told me that I was “her last hope. After the first session, the patient’s leg swelling was GONE. It has not come back for 1 month. Patient has not had to take the medication for swelling, which was not working anyway! By the 3rd session, her pulse oxygenation bumped up from 80 to 97...and has stayed there! She has not needed the oxygen tank in weeks. She now takes the stairs. She is now going to talk to her MD about getting off more of the medications. He was initially very skeptical about lasers, which is understandable. However, he recently told her to keep doing it because her cardiac function went from 50% before laser to now 100% of normal! Jane was fortunate that she had a secondary that picked up 100% of the balance of her bill. However, the $250k annual bills for the past 8 years had done nothing for her, and in just 4 treatments and spending less than$250 dollars, she had better results. She has been doing podcasts now about her experiences, and has been referring patients in to us like crazy already.