Yolanda – Fractured Ankle

Fractured Ankle Case Study
Yolanda fractured her ankle on Sept 23. We started her immediately on laser PBM and got her an appt with her ortho for casting. “On the 26th, I saw my ortho and after looking at my X-ray and examining my foot he asked when my injury had occurred, he was floored that after less than 72 hours my foot had such little inflammation. He told me that injuries like mine, to that area of the foot sometimes took up a week before they could cast due to swelling.”
“I told him my chiropractor used Erchonia lasers and that I had had 5 sessions before going to my ortho consult. After he cast my foot, he told me that typically fractures like mine took between 4-6 weeks to heal but because I am a type 2 diabetic it could take up to 8 weeks before we saw any real healing.” He asked that I see him after two weeks to take off the cast, check for lesions or sores, X-ray and recast. I went home that day feeling pretty sorry for myself for having to be in a cast for so long since I am an extremely active person. After speaking to Dr. Gair he recommended that we continue to do laser therapy and that doing so would help my body heal itself faster.”
I went back to my ortho two weeks later, before taking the cast off his PA warned me that my foot was probably going to be extremely bruised and that I shouldn’t be alarmed, he ended up being the surprised one when he took it off and I had no bruising, just the faint yellowish color where the bruise had been. They did my X-ray and when the doctor came in he shocked me by telling me I didn’t need the cast anymore. That after two weeks my bone had healed enough to be in a walking boot. He told me he didn’t want me to put any weight on it but that the good news was I didn’t require the cast. He said he still needed to be conservative with my treatment and I wouldn’t be able to put any real weight on my foot for about 4 more weeks.
On my second check up, two weeks later and 4 weeks after my initial injury, I was told that the X-rays showed so much improvement I could start putting 50% of my body weight on my foot. All of this thanks to Dr. Gair and his Erchonia lasers. I cut my recovery time in half even with my diabetes. I couldn’t be happier or more grateful for what the laser therapies have done for me!