Jaime – Neck Pain

Neck Pain Case Study
Jaime had severe neck pain with radiation into his arms bilaterally. His orthopedic doctor ordered an MRI and discovered multiple disc bulges and recommended that he have surgery to fuse the vertebrae.
Jaime did not want to undergo surgery, as he had one previously. He opted to try Laser Therapy at my office instead. On a follow up visit over a year later, the surgeon reviewed his films and convinced him that he needed to have the surgery, and convinced him to get a follow up MRI. We switched to a pre-op protocol on him while he awaited his results…
Jaime had his pre op evaluation, and was set to come see us the next day for a final pre op laser session. He was ecstatic because he said when the surgeon reviewed his new MRI results, he could not believe what he saw… His bulges were GONE. The surgeon said he had NEVER seen this happen in 30 years of practice as a surgeon. Told Jaime that he was disappointed to miss out on the $80,000 payday from the surgery, but was happy for him to have had this miraculous recovery. I told Jaime to continue with me for his future care.

Neck Pain Case Study
Jaime had severe neck pain with radiation into his arms bilaterally. His orthopedic doctor ordered an MRI and discovered multiple disc bulges and recommended that he have surgery to fuse the vertebrae. Jaime did not want to undergo surgery, as he had one previously. He opted to try Laser Therapy at my office instead. On a follow up visit over a year later, the surgeon reviewed his films and convinced him that he needed to have the surgery, and convinced him to get a follow up MRI. We switched to a pre-op protocol on him while he awaited his results… Jaime had his pre op evaluation, and was set to come see us the next day for a final pre op laser session. He was ecstatic because he said when the surgeon reviewed his new MRI results, he could not believe what he saw… His bulges were GONE. The surgeon said he had NEVER seen this happen in 30 years of practice as a surgeon. Told Jaime that he was disappointed to miss out on the $80,000 payday from the surgery, but was happy for him to have had this miraculous recovery. I told Jaime to continue with me for his future care.